Multipurpose fighter MiG-23MLA.
Developer: OKB Mikoyan, Gurevich
Country: USSR
First flight: 1978
The need to further increase the maneuverability of the aircraft due to the emergence of the F-15A, YF-16 and YF-17 fighter aircraft in the United States, as well as the delay with the creation of the similar domestic aircraft such as the T-10 and MiG-29 , led to the appearance in 1976 of the MiG -23ML ("L" - light, product "23-12"). It was considered by the Air Force as a temporary alternative to the MiG-29. The new aircraft managed to be lightened by almost 1250 kg in comparison with the MiG-23M: it shortened (almost gone to nothing) the leading edge extension of the vertical tail, somewhat reduced the length of the fuselage, giving up the 4th fuel tank. Despite the reduction of the total fuel reserve to 5500 kg, due to the reduction in aerodynamic drag and the weight of the structure, it was possible to maintain the flight range. The fighter received an improved engine R-35-300 (thrust 8550/13000 kgf). All this significantly improved maneuverability and provided the fighter with excellent acceleration characteristics (in this parameter, the MiG-23ML surpassed the F-16).
The maximum operational load factor of MiG-23ML was 8.5 G at Mach 0.85 and 7.5G at Mach 0.85 - the largest value for aircraft with a wing of variable geometry. The machine was equipped with a new automatic control system SAU-23AM and the flight-navigation complex Polet-21-23. The complex could work autonomously, giving the pilot navigational information, or control the autopilot when it flew the aircraft along an specific route, it ensured a more accurate detection of the target. The MiG-23ML was equipped with a new sighting complex, including the Sapphire-23ML radar (the range of detection of a standard target was 85 km, the range of tracking was 55 km and the target detection distance in lock down shoot down mode was 35 km ). All the sighting information was displayed on the indicator on the windshield of ASP-23ML (later, ASP-17ML). The structure of the avionics included also the friend-foe system of identification SRO-2M and the command control system "Lazur-UML".
An important innovation, significantly increased the combat capabilities of the fighter, it was the use of a system that limited the angles of attack of the fighter could reach. Now the pilot could fly, and not being afraid of departing controlled flight, and at the same time the pilot could make the maximum use of the maneuvering potential of the aircraft. The system included a cylinder with a rod, pushing the control stick forward at the moment when the aircraft reached the maximum angle of attack allowed for this mode. At the same time, the faster the angle of attack increased, the earlier the mechanism triggered, excluding the possibility of departing controlled flight at high angles of attack . This system was installed on the MiG-23UM and MiG-27.
The front landing gear of the MiG-23ML chassis was strengthened, it was equipped with a slightly enlarged diameter wheel, the main pillars were extended by 175 mm. Initially, it was intended to use the advanced missiles of the R-27 as the main weapon of the MiG-23ML, but by the time of the appearance of the fighter these missiles had not yet been brought to serial production, and the MiG-23ML received conventional R-23R and R-23T.
The MiG-23ML was serially produced for the USSR Air Force in 1976-81, and until 1985 it was built for export. In the opinion of combat pilots, including those who fought in the Middle East, this machine was already a full-fledged, truly fighting fighter.
one of its weak points of the MiG-23 was its radar "Sapphire". In the main radar search mode of the survey, the range of detection of enemy aircraft was 50-55 km with manual control of the radar and 80-85 km with automatic guidance from the ground. Thus, in the Arab-Israeli conflicts and the war in Iraq, when the guidance from the ground command radars was hampered by interference or absent at all, the enemy who had the F-15 and F-16 fighters in service was given advantage in approaching the MiG-23. Due to more advanced radars, they were the first to detect the MiG-23 at distances of 60-70 km. Tracking range of the same target when it was in the front of the radar "Sapphire-23" was a range of 30-50 km.
However, the skillful use of aircraft during the war between Israel and Syria in December 1982 allowed the Syrian MiG-23 ML to shoot down 3 Israeli F-15s and one F-4, without losing a single aircraft.
As the journal Interavia wrote: "... it was wrong to conclude that a guided missile could replace a pilot who could navigate and change the position of an airplane in an air battle." Improvements to increase the maneuverability of the MiG-23ML brought it to the level of the best fighters of the West. Armament with its R-60 missiles, and later R-73 missiles, this made it possible to significantly improve the effectiveness of the fighter. This conclusion was made by Israeli specialists after the tests of the Syrian MiG-23ML, which in 1989 was stolen to Israel by a Syrian pilot - Major Abdul Bassem. In the course of the research it was found out, in particular, that the MiG-23ML exceeds the F-16C in terms of acceleration characteristics., which is in service with Israel and participated in joint tests with the Syrian aircraft.
The fighting in the Middle East showed that the fighting takes place mainly at altitudes of 1500-4500m. At this altitude, the pilot can detect a maneuvering target against the background of the earth at a distance of no more than 3600 m, which is close to the range of fire from guns. Most often, battles were fought at speeds of Mach 0.5 to Mach 0.9. At the same speeds, the advantages of the wing of the variable sweep are revealed most fully. Therefore, at close range against the F-15 and F-16 in a close air combat, the MiG-23ML pilots could compete with them almost on equal terms.
Research inspections of the MiG-23ML were also carried out in Germany after the reunification of Germany. They were held at the Air Force Testing Center in Manhling. Their results have not been fully published. However, judging by the fact that it "seeped" into the press, it can be concluded that the MiG-23ML presented many surprises to Western specialists and, in some respects, was comparable to the F-15 and F-16.
After these tests, some of their MiG-23ML aircraft were transferred to the United States, in a well-known, but top-secret division of the Red Hats at the Groom Lake airbase, Nevada. This unit is equipped with Soviet aircraft, purchased by third countries for research. By the way, according to unofficial data, a similar unit existed in the Soviet Union.
MiG-23 could fly at Angles of attack of 24-26 degrees, which provided them with certain advantages over the western fighters of the 2nd and 3rd generations. But with the advent of aircraft of the 4th generation this superiority was lost (the F-16 of various modifications had a restriction on the angle of attack of 26-28 degrees, and the F-15C could reach the angles of attack to 30 degrees). At the same time, the Soviets started research by the specialists of TsAGI and OKB of the highly maneuverable MiG-29 and Su-27, capable of reaching angles of attack of more than 30 degrees. Due to the vortex generation control, it was possible to implement and upgrade the MiG-23. When the aircraft was refined, the condition for introducing minimal changes to the existing design was put before the designers - the production of the fighter was completed, and it was not advisable to significantly alter the production equipment. Several new aerodynamic layouts of the aircraft were studied, differing in the size and shape of the ledges on the wing, as well as the configuration of the vertical tail (even a version with a keel of reverse sweep was considered). However, in the end, the least "exotic" layout was selected, providing a significant improvement in maneuverability with minimal modification of the airframe. On the wing, at the very base, a second vortex-forming "dog tooth" appeared, providing a stable flight at large angles of attack. It worked together with a Vortex generator installed on the pitot tube, made in the form of a small plate (length 365 mm) with sharp edges. The deflection of the wing leading edge with a small sweep (at speeds up to 900 km / h) was carried out automatically, depending on the speed and the angle of attack (the so-called adaptive mechanization). So the MiG-23MLD appeared (the "D" - the finalized, the product "23-18") - the last and most perfect aircraft in the family of "twenty-third", mass production of which began in 1984. At great angles of attack the creators of the MiG-23MLD achieved the characteristics stability and controllability, comparable with the characteristics of F-16.
Another significant innovation implemented on the MiG-23MLD was the reduction of the "combat" sweep angle from 45 to 33 degrees (the technology of manufacturing the sweeping parts of the wing was completely worked out, it was found out that the wing consoles, even at a reduced sweep angle, can hold a load factor of 8.5 G). The danger of the aircraft entering into unacceptably very high angles of attack was prevented by the SOS-3-4; the pilot was warned by the system of restrictive signals SOS-3-4. According to the pilots, SOS-3-4 made flying at critical angles of attack even simpler. The whole complex of measures made it possible to create a fighter, according to test pilot Boris Orlov, the MiG-23 was practically unable to fall into a tailspin, "and if it entered there, then it's easy to get it out of this regime."
The Soviet MiG-23MLD participated in the war in Afghanistan. The regiment of these planes protected Kabul, and then Bagram from 1986 to 1987. The regiment "worked" mainly on ground targets (after successful combat sorties small white stars were drawn on the forward fuselage of these planes). However, air to air combat did happen when the MiG-23MLD downed a Pakistani F-16A with an R-60M missile ..

In the mid-90's. OKB them. Mikoyan together with Fazotron-NIIR OJSC and GosNIIAS launched works on modernization of the MiG-23, focusing on foreign owners of these fighter. The main direction of their work was the renewal of the onboard avionics of the aircraft, first of all, the radar. Initially, the replacement of a Sapphire-23 radar station by the Phazotron Kopyo radar was considered. However, later it was decided to equip the MiG-23 with more modern radars like "Moskit-23" or the "Moskit-21K". On the basis of these systems, the Design Bureau offers three basic versions of aircraft modernization, which significantly increase its combat potential. Thus, the use of the Moskit-23 pulsed-doppler station (the distance for detection of an air target of the fighter class in the frontal hemisphere is 90 km, in the rear - 40 km) provides the possibility of introducing modern air-to-air missiles into the armament of the fighter such as R-73, P-27R P-27T and R-77 (RVV-AE), and the anti-ship missiles X-31A, as well as smart bombs with television homing KAB-500Kr. In order to work out solutions for the aircraft modernization program in 1999, an experimental fighter was created, which received the designation MiG-23-98.
In addition, the layout of the MiG-23 makes it possible to equip it with the Topaz radar, an equivalent of the MiG-29SMT radar station. At the same time, the modernized machine will get practically equal to the "twenty-ninth" in opportunities for conducting a missile air battle outside of visual contact with the enemy, as well as against t land and sea targets. The outdated MiG-23 cockpit is supposed to be improved by installing the a helmet mounted sight for the pilot's (as on the MiG-21-93). The use of suspension containers with optoelectronic equipment will allow the introduction of missiles with laser guidance such as X-25ML, C-25L and X-29L, as well as KAB-500L. At the request of the customer, it is possible to equip the fighter with a controlled weapon of foreign production. Combat capabilities of the MiG-23 should be significantly increased due to the introduction of new avionics, in particular, multi-functional LCD screens color indicators of the MF-68 type, already fitted for the MiG-29SMT. The navigation equipment is supposed to be supplemented with a receiver of the GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation system.
As basic options are accepted:
MiG-23-98-1 is a multifunctional tactical fighter with radically increased combat effectiveness due to the possibility of interception of all types of air targets, detection and destruction of ships, small-scale ground and radio-emitting targets. The aircraft is installed:
onboard automated system "core" consisting of: digital computer system MVK, ILS, two multifunction LCD screens, two multifunctional control panels, a video registration system; a multifunctional radar with range detection of air targets of the "fighter" type of 90-100 km;
modern guided weapons (air-to-air missiles - RVV-AE, R-27R, T, R-27E (R, T), air-surface - X-25ML, MP, X-29L, , X-31A, and air bombs KAB-500L, KR);
a new JMA (from MiG-21-93), NSC, INS / KNS, SHS, radio altimeter;
new means of radio counteraction and jamming systems.
All types of fighters and interceptors based on the MiG-23 can be converted to the MiG-23-98-1 standard.
MiG-23-98-2 - tactical fighter with increased combat effectiveness in the fight against air targets.
The aircraft are equipped with:
modernized Sapphire-23 radar and missile launcher, which provide the use of RVV-AE and R-73E air-to-air missiles in addition to conventional armament;
a new inertial system with correction from the CNS;
new jamming equipment.
The main options are:
containers with an active radio interference station or reconnaissance equipment;
refueling in the air;
new avionics systems.
In the version of MiG-23-98-2, all modifications of the MiG-23 aircraft equipped with the Sapphire-23 radar can be converted.
In MiG-23B-98, MiG-23BN airplanes can be upgraded.

In addition to the modifications of the MiG-23ML, -MLD, in the mid-70s an interceptor appeared, designed to replace the aging Su-9. The new interceptor (aircraft 23-14, izd.6), was developed based upon the MiG-23ML. Since the changes mainly affected the Avionics equipment, the interceptor tests were carried out in a short time. Already in 1978-79 it began to enter operational deployment in the Air Defense Regiments under the designation MiG-23P (P-Interceptor), in NATO codes - Flogger-G. According to the design of the glider, it resembled its MiG-23ML colleague, because it also was built at the Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Znamya Truda", and on the same manufacturing lines. However, the difference in the role (the main one of which is interaction with the country's air defense system) led to the installation of other equipment on the MiG-23P, which caused a change in the location of the part of the production hatches.
The following were installed on the MiG-23P:
Sight ASP-23P;
automatic control system САУ-23ПМ;
Radar "Sapphire-23P" ("Amethyst" H006);
a new radio station R-862;
the TP-23M thermal finder IRST system;
equipment for automatic guidance of the aircraft to the target by the commands of various automated guidance systems for fighters.
After detecting and tracking the target of the on-board radar, the control of the aircraft was taken over by the computer, which takes it to the line of missile launch along the optimal trajectory.
The aircraft was built serially on MAPO in 1978-1983. In 1978-79 years. MiG-23P began to enter the air defense aviation, quickly displacing Su-9 and Su-11 from there
The set of weapons, including for ground targets, was the same as the MiG-23ML.

According to the MiG-23ML technical manual, the MiG-23ML has a instantaneous turn rate of 16.7 deg/s and a sustained of 14.1 deg/s at 1 km of altitude and at a speed of 900 km/h; and at maximum 7G load factor. It will take to the MiG-23ML around 25 seconds to complete the horizontal turn.
the maximum instantaneous turn rate near the ground for the MiG-23 model 71 and MiG-23M is 16.5 deg / s, and for the MiG-23ML 18.3 deg/s.
In general, with this sweep wing angle of 45 degrees are significantly inferior to the wing 16 degrees of wing swept . Maximum sustained turn rate near the ground: 13.35g / s for MiG-23 model 71, 14.5g / s for MiG-23M and 15.4g / s for MiG-23ML.
The maximum climb rate for the MiG-23 variant 1971 and the MiG-23M, especially at low altitudes shows a big difference gap. The difference between the MiG-23M and MiG-23ML is much smaller, but also noticeable. The maximum calculated climb rate on the MiG-23 sub variant 1971 is 174 m / s, which is not a very large indicator for a fighter of this class. In the MiG-23M, due to a much more powerful engine, the rate of climb increased to 222 m/s, almost 50 m/s more. This figure is already consistent with the "status" of a powerful fighter aircraft. On the MiG-23ML, mainly due to weight reduction, the climb rate reached 242 m/s, which corresponds to the most powerful aircraft of the 2-3rd generation, as well as some 4th generation fighters.
Марковский В Ю , Приходченко И В Истребитель МиГ 23 На защите неба Родины

Based on the MiG-23ML, the MiG-23A variant was developed - the project of a multipurpose naval aircraft with a R-29-300 engine; this variant was to be developed into 3 different subvariants for fighter, attack aircraft and reconnaissance needs for the aircraft carrier project 1160 with catapult takeoff and arrested landing . The prototype improved the forward the view from the cockpit, was fitted with the installation of a landing arresting hook (the folding ventral fin was replaced by two ventral fins), with increased area and height of the vertical dorsal fin. It was developed in 1972, but it was cancelled due to the refusal to build ships of the project, 1160.
The MiG-23K (32-31), was a naval fighter based on the MiG-23ML aircraft project, powered by the R-100 engine (23-15), it was also developed for the aircraft carrier ships of the project 1153 class with catapult take-off and arresting landing capability. It was the development of the previous MiG-23A project, it differed from the previous aircraft by the addition of a wing with double-slot flaps of increased area, the introduction of a frameless canopy windshield and in-flight refueling system capability. The project was developed in 1977 but it was cancelled after work on class 1153 ships was halted and the beginning of the development of the project 1143.5 "Riga" (now - "Admiral of the Fleet Kuznetsov") was started, the Riga class was designed with an air wing of of Su-27K, MiG-29K and Yak- 41. Later, for developing take off and landing technologies and skills aboard the carrier, the MiG-27-603, flying laboratory was developed, which was tested at the Nitka complex.

MiG-23 aircraft variants:
"23-11". Pre-production modification, consisting of ten fighters. One of them was intended for conducting static ground tests, the rest were experimental aircraft;
MiG-23S. The first modification, built in series. Equipped with simplified airborne equipment, since the “regular” was not yet ready;
MiG-23L. These aircraft, manufactured since 1971, received TP-23 heat direction finders, Sapfir-23L radar stations, and then the ASP-23L sight;
MiG-23M. The first modification, armed with medium-range missiles R-23R and R-23T. The aircraft is equipped with a deflectable wing toe. In addition, the power plant capacity has grown;
MiG-23MS. This modification was intended for export. It differs from the MiG-23M in simplified equipment. In particular, instead of the Sapphire-23D radar, a MiG-21 radar was installed;
MiG-23MF. Another "export" version of the fighter. In general, it corresponds to the MiG-23M aircraft, slightly differing for the worse in terms of on-board equipment characteristics;
MiG-23ML. Lightweight version of the fighter. It was produced since 1974. To reduce weight, one of the fuselage tanks has been removed. In addition, the aircraft received a more powerful engine - R35F-300. Replaced electronic equipment, improved characteristics of the onboard radar, direction finder and sight;
MiG-23P. It is an interceptor that replaced the obsolete Su-9 in parts of air defense;
MiG-23MLD. This modification is considered the best. Such an aircraft has been built since 1984. Aerodynamic design improved, maneuverability increased. Once again, the performance characteristics of on-board equipment, especially radar, have been improved. The aircraft was equipped with chaff/flare dispensers that protect the fighter from any missiles with an infrared homing head;
MiG-23MLG and MLDG. Experimental aircraft for testing stations that create active interference for radars;
MiG-23B. Fighter bomber. A small series (24 aircraft) was manufactured in 1971. The machine was equipped with the Sokol-23C sighting and navigation system. This modification does not have a radar station;
MiG-23BN. Large-scale fighter-bomber. It was produced from 1973 to 1985. Further development of this version of the machine led to the creation of the MiG-27 aircraft.

The performance characteristics
MiG-23 was produced in many versions. The most advanced version was the MiG-23MLD, produced from 1984 to 1985. Its characteristics were as follows:
Take-off weight 14.77 tons normal, 20.1 tons maximum
The weight of the aircraft without fuel and weapons 10.23 tons
3.7 tonnes of fuel in internal tanks
Aircraft length 16.7 m
5 m height
Wingspan 7.78 to 13.97 m
Engine power Up to 8,550 kgf in normal mode, up to 13,000 kgf on afterburner
Flight range 900 km at low altitude, 1,450 km when flying in the stratosphere
The maximum speed of 2500 km / h at an altitude of 1400 km / h near the ground
Cruising speed 990 km / h
Practical ceiling 18,600 m
According to the MiG-23ML manual, at 1km of altitude, the MiG-23ML has a maximum sustained turn rate of 14.1 deg/sec and a maximum instantaneous turn rate of 16.7 deg/sec. The MiG-23ML accelerates from 600 km/h (373 mph) to 900 km/h (559 mph) in just 12 seconds at the altitude of 1000 meters. The MiG-23 accelerates at the altitude of 1 km from the speed of 630 km/h (391 mph) to 1300 km/h (808 mph) in just 30 seconds and at the altitude of 10–12 km will accelerate from Mach 1 to Mach 2 in just 160 seconds.

Multipurpose fighter MiG-23MLA.
Developer: OKB Mikoyan, Gurevich
Country: USSR
First flight: 1978, 0 ..
An improved MiG-23MLA fighter was created for the Air Force, close in its capabilities to the MiG-23P. It was equipped with a Sapphire-23MLA lightweight radar equipped with a new element base, TP-26 heat direction finder and DSP-17 automatic rifle scope, equipped with 170 kg lightweight radar. The armament included the latest R-24R missiles (maximum launch range - about 40 km) and R-24T (25-35 km), created as a temporary replacement for the R-27. The missiles had a combined guidance system with radio correction on the marching section of the trajectory.
A little later, the MiG's armament was supplemented with the most advanced short-range missile - the all-perspective R-73. It had a larger range of launch ranges and target acquisition angles with a homing head than the American analog AIM-9L Siver. Due to some simplification of the design and improvement of aerodynamics, it was possible to bring the practical ceiling of the aircraft to 19,000 m. The weapon system ensured the fight against air targets in the altitude range of 40-24000 m, which gave the fighter the opportunity to fight with the latest weapons of that time - small-sized strategic cruise missiles of the type " Tomahawk ”and ALCM. In 1978-1983, 1,100 aircraft of this type were built at the Banner of Labor plant.

Theoretically, the Soviet guided rocket R-23R was somewhat inferior to the American medium-range AIM-7E Sparrow missiles. In addition to a longer launch range (33 km versus 23 km at high altitude, 16 and 9 km at low altitude), an American missile could hit targets maneuvering with large overloads (7 and 5, respectively) and in a wider range of course angles. The use of medium-range weapons mounted on the MiG-23MF was complicated by the rather complicated and lengthy pre-launch preparation procedure. So, one of the Syrian pilots brought from the battle an excellent F-16 image captured on the film of a film camera, while the Israeli fighter escaped with only a fright: the Syrian did not have time to correctly manufacture the weapon for launch and the rocket went into waste. However, comparing the results of the real launches of the R-23P and AIM-7E, one cannot but admit that the Syrians achieved a much larger relative number of hits than their opponents. With the appearance of the MiG-23ML in the Syrian Air Force with R-24 missiles, superiority in medium-range weapons completely passed to the Arabs.
In 1977, the MiG-23P ('23 -14 ') aircraft was created - a lightweight interceptor for the air defense forces, a MiG-23ML variant capable of fighting low-flying targets.
MiG-23 could fly at angles of attack up to 24-26 °, which provided them with certain advantages over Western fighters of the 2nd and 3rd generation. But with the advent of 4th-generation aircraft, this superiority was lost (F-16s of various modifications had a limit of angle of attack of 26-28 °, and the F-15C could reach angles of attack of up to 30 °). At the same time, the information obtained by the TsAGI and the Design Bureau specialists during the creation of highly maneuverable MiG-29 and Su-27 capable of reaching angles of attack of more than 30 ° due to the control of vortex formation could be applied to he modernization of the MiG-23. When finalizing the aircraft, the designers were given the condition of making minimal changes to the existing structure - the release of the fighter was completed, and it was impractical to alter the production equipment. We studied several new aerodynamic layouts of the aircraft, differing in the size and shape of the ledges on the wing of the wing, as well as the configuration of the vertical tail (even considered the option with the wing with forward sweep).
In the late 1970s, mass production of the MiG-23MLD ('23 -18 ') aircraft began - the last and most advanced modification in the' twenty third 'family. The appearance of this aircraft was preceded by a lot of work carried out by the Design Bureau in collaboration with TsAGI. The task was set to significantly improve the maneuverability and controllability of the aircraft at large angles of attack, i.e.in those modes, the mastery of air combat depends upon the success in maneuverability. We studied several layouts of the new aircraft, differing in the size and shape of the ledges on the dogtooth of the wing, as well as the shape of the vertical tail. In the end, the layout was chosen, providing a significant improvement in maneuverability with minimal modification of the airframe.
On the wing of the MiG-23MLD aircraft, at its very root, a second 'canine' grew up, a second vortex generator at the fixed glove vane of the wing.
The fighter was equipped with an advanced radar capable of simultaneously detecting and tracking up to six air targets and an improved system of automated control from the ground, which used an interference-protected data line. To prevent stalling, the SOS-3-4 system was installed, which facilitates piloting at large angles of attack.
Another significant innovation implemented on the MiG-23MLD was the reduction of the “combat” sweep angle from 45 ° to 33 ° (the manufacturing technology of detachable wing parts was completely developed, it was found out that the consoles even at a reduced sweep angle can hold an overload of 8.5 d ) The danger of the aircraft entering the unacceptably large angles of attack of the pilot was warned by the system of restrictive signals SOS-3-4, which, using a special mechanical device, shook the control handle as it approached the stall mode. According to the pilots, SOS-3-4 made flying at critical angles of attack even simpler. The whole range of measures allowed to create a fighter, according to test pilot B. Orlov, who practically does not fall into a tailspin, “... and if it was possible to drive him there, it’s easy to get out of this regime
To protect at low altitudes from MANPADS and guided missiles with IR homing systems on the fixed parts of the wing, peculiar aerodynamic ridges were installed, containing blocks of chaff/flare dispensers.
In the MiG-23MLD variant, some of the earlier built aircraft of older modifications were converted directly into this variant. Before the appearance of the fourth-generation aircraft of the Soviet Air Force and Air Defense Forces, the MiG-23MLD was practically the only Russian front-line fighter capable of conducting an air battle with American F-15, F-16 and F / A-18 aircraft on equal terms.
The MiG-23MLD was armed with the air to air missiles R-24R, R-24T, and subsequently the highly maneuverable R-73 close combat missiles with the infrared homing system were installed.
In 1982, on the basis of the MiG-23MLD (23-18), an experimental fighter 23-19 was created with a more effective Birch radiation warning station and the modern Klystron radio navigation system and its version MiG-23MLDG (23- 35) with the Gardenia active jamming station in a hanging container. The first was recommended as a standard for the re-equipment of the MiG-23ML combat aircraft of the Air Force of the Soviet Union, and the second - for serial production for export. In 1984, two more modifications of the MiG-23MLD were developed: the MiG-23MLG (23-37) for the domestic air force and the MiG-23MLS (23-47) for foreign customers. Both were equipped with a Gardenia jamming station in a hanging container, a new radiation warning station, passive jamming devices VP-50-60, and increased combat load. One of the last options for modernization of the fighter in the 80s. became the MiG-23MLDG aircraft (23-57).
The armament range of the MiG-23MLG, MiG-23MLS and MiG-23MLDG fighters included the R-73 missile, which provides effective destruction of targets maneuvering with an overload of up to 12 units. The efficiency of the radar was further enhanced by the introduction of the Helmet-3UM helmet-mounted target designation system and flight automation equipment; performance has also been improved. However, due to the fact that the place in the assembly workshop of MAPO at that time was already firmly taken by the 4th generation fighter MiG-29 with significantly higher performance, work on these aircraft did not receive further development at that time.
In addition to ground-based MiG-23 aircraft, deck modification of the MiG-23A was designed to be deployed on an atomic aircraft carrier with a catapult take-off.
The plane and the ship were never built, but the MiG-23 still contributed to the creation of Russian carrier-based aviation: in the late 1970s, one of the serial MiGs was converted into a flying laboratory and was used in the LII to develop a methodology for landing on the deck of the ship , as well as to create the fundamental elements of the aircraft technical system of the ship (ATSK).
Work is underway on an improved version of the MiG-23I fighter equipped with a radar from the MiG-29S and ait to air missiles K-77 (it is supposed to convert the MiG-23 of other modifications into these aircraft).
MiG-23MS were widely exported, which was facilitated, in addition to high performance characteristics, by the relatively low cost of fighters. So, in 1980 prices, one MiG-23MS was sold for $ 3.6-6.6 million (depending on the degree of "friendly location" to the buyer country). For comparison, the IAI Kfir'S.2 plane, inferior in combat capabilities to the MiG-23, at the rate of 1978, cost 4.5 million dollars, the Mirage III - 6.5-7.5 million dollars (1983 course), F-16A - 14 million dollars (1980 course), and the Northrop F-20 fighter was supposed to be sold to foreign customers for 15 million $ (course of 1985).
In 1974, the MiG-23MS appeared in Libya, a little later they were delivered to the Air Force of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq and Syria.
In 1984, the first eight MiG-23ML aircraft were delivered to North Korea. In 1985, fighters of this modification received the GDR and Czechoslovakia.

The Mikoyan Design Bureau in the 1990s continued to work on improving the MiG-23. The MiG-23MLD armament then included the air-to-air missile defense R-77.

This MiG-23MLD is from the former 894 IAP Air Defense (now 894 IAP Air Force of Ukraine).
Not particularly often published (although in the army there were quite a lot of them) Mig-23 armed with the R-73.
Ozernoe, September 2000